Minggu, 06 Januari 2019

Video Learning About Inquiry Letter

This is the finale about inquiry latter.
Enjoy it!!!

Terimakasih kepada Mr. Drs. Zalzulifa, M.Pd selaku dosen mata kuliah English foreign yang senantiasa membimbing.

thank you...

Minggu, 02 Desember 2018


Hi, now i post new material in this blog to completing my task. This is about Inquiry Letter,Sorry for many mistake. Because i'm still learning :).
Thank u for my lecturer Mr. Drs. Zalzulifa, M.Pd



Hello, let me introduce my self my name is Randy Luthfy Fachrurozi, you can call me Randy. Now i study at Polytechnic Creative Media Jakarta, exactly in Photography class Grade 3. This Blogs i use to completing the task of English Foreign Language. Thank you ;)